Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fun with the New Roommate

One of the first places I got to visit here in Wuhan is their famous snack street.  People come from all over the city and outside to see Wuhan’s snack street.  Snack street is a long street, and alleys surrounding, filled with all kinds of unique Chinese cuisine.  The place is so jammed packed that people are walking shoulder to shoulder in some places.  You can find all kinds of grilled meats, snails, oysters, and many other unique foods.  As we were walking away from snack street, we happened to walk upon a Chinese play.  It was so neat, because everyone was dressed up and had painted faces.  Check out the pics below. 

After snack street, we went to see the Yangtze River (yellow river).  The Yangtze river is the longest river in Asia and the third-longest in the world.  This river also divides North and South China.   

We were lucky enough to come across another American, from Georgia, while walking home on this day.  Patsy invited us out for church the next day, and we were able to meet even more expats.  We went to lunch with several of them, and we made friends with two Swedish girls.  The Swedish girls have only been here for a month as well, so we plan to see some tourist’s sites with them.

The next night we were able to meet up with another American from Boston, and his friends, to listen to a free concert and have some dinner.  The music was decent and the dinner was amazing.  Wuhan has wonderful and spicy food!  We walked to a “whole in the wall” restaurant down an alleyway.  Our new friends ordered chicken feet, mushrooms, potatoes, pork, and cucumber.  Each of these foods were brought out on skewers after being seasoned and grilled.  My chopstick skills were put to the test!

The concert was at an open mall, so Leslie (my new roommate) and I decided to go back the next night to actually tour the stores within the mall.  However, we got side tracked and walked on down to the river.  There were people everywhere walking beside the river and in the park there.  I have noticed that people love to come out at night, even after working all day and enjoy the fresh air at night.   We heard some Chinese music, so we began to walk to the source.  Come to find out, there was Chinese karaoke under the bridge!  It was a traditional type of Chinese music.  We had a blast listening and my roommate was even asked to come up and dance for the crowd with a scarf!  We loved it!

Below are some pics of my new apartment!

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