Tuesday, August 16, 2011

An Itch

About three weeks ago, I had an interview for a teaching position in China…exactly…CHINA!  I was raised in Small Town,Texas and moved to Small Town,Georgia at the age of 17.  I have always had a passion to travel and see the world, but simply couldn’t afford it.  Throughout college, I drooled at the opportunities to study abroad that other students could afford and I couldn’t.  So, I did the responsible thing and finished my four years and started my career in Georgia.  I am now 27 and have been teaching in the same school and the same grade level for five years.   

After two years, I was already “itching” to get out and see the world.  So, I get the courage to tell my principal I am applying through the Department of Defense in hopes that she will approve.  Unfortunately, I didn’t even land an interview.  I settle for another year of traditional teaching in Small Town,Georgia.  The next year…here comes that “itch” again…so I consider simply enlisting full-time into the military and leaving teaching behind.  However, I find out that I won’t be shipped until the middle of a school year...my principal would never be okay with that one!  So, I put my “itch” on the back burner again.

Now, where am I?  Still in Georgia, but on my way to China!  I found out tonight that I have an opportunity to teach for a year in China…yes…CHINA! I still cannot wrap my brain around the idea.  My feelings are insanely mixed up right now, but I know that to a certain degree, my “itch” will finally be satisfied.   

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